Fallen Frond

Fallen Frond

Fallen Frond Queen’s Gate Park, AustraliaOne of four paintings completed in Queen’s Gate Park, the frond had fallen so nearby that the ground shook; and thereby attracted my attention enough to warrant this composition. Contact the Artist for Information...
Roses Morning Rondo

Roses Morning Rondo

Roses Morning Rondo Kelleher Rose Garden Boston, MAInitially awed by the Fenway Garden’s secluded setting, the abundance of rose displays, and invited to do a demo plein air piece during Mayor Menino’s annual fundraiser, I prepared this study for my own orientation...
Marshfield Rhody

Marshfield Rhody

Marshfield Rhody Marshfield, MAFrom a convenient, shaded location on Main Street during the hub-bub and foot traffic of the North River Arts Society (NRAS) festival, this constrained vignette of a genteel outdoor space conveyed an inviting mood. The profusely...
Frank M. Costantino