by Frank Costantino | Feb 14, 2018
Wind Over the Charles Boston, MAA view of Boston and Cambridge’s historic Weeks Bridge was painted on an intermittently windy, rainy, and sunny day on the banks of the Charles River. Occasionally, a steady shower necessitated stopping and covering the watercolor...
by Frank Costantino | Feb 13, 2018
Boston Symphony Hall Boston, MAThe graphite drawing on vellum is a superb example of fine architectural delineation, drawn over a projected perspective drawing.The stroke direction was set by the left-handedness of an assistant’s preliminary tone work. The...
by Frank Costantino | Feb 13, 2018
Longfellow’s Sentinels, Boston MA Boston, MAInitially begun as a demonstration piece for the Dedham Art Guild, the image derived from a smaller study for the Charles River Conservancy’s “River Stories 3” publication. This larger, more...
by Frank Costantino | Feb 13, 2018
Boston University, Leventhal Center Boston, MACommissioned by BU’s President as a gift for the donor’s at the building’s dedication, the view was selected from a few sketch drawings and watercolor studies. The scale and detail of the new addition...
by Frank Costantino | Feb 13, 2018
Standish Cupola, Winthrop House, Harvard Cambridge, MAThe iconic color domes of Harvard’s residence halls along Memorial Drive, Cambridge are distinctive landmarks for each house-dormitory of the College. The Standish cupola, with its electric cobalt blue color,...