Quartet on Stage

From a dramatic on-stage vantage point, this engaging painting assumes an atypical performer’s perspective, with a complex but subdued representation of the audience. The quartet was portrayed in sharp light and focus, specifically arranged with a Dean of Music.
The awarding jurors commented that “the painting…clearly explains the materials, and use, but beyond that conveys what few canvases do – volume and space. The courageous palette, the slightly unconventional perspective, the casual ease of the figures, all defer to the proposed space, the music within, and point to an artist firmly in control…a subtly powerful painting.” “In its informal, freehanded representation & depiction of the environment, this drawing is unique. It captures the time and architecture in an uncompromising, convincing manner. The limited color palette, abstraction in detailing, contrast in human figure scales, and variation in light and shadow create his mastery – making one become a part of the illustration.”
With selections for the Architecture In Perspective (AIP) shows, Mr. Costantino has had over thirty juried illustrations exhibited & published by ASAI. AIP is the world’s pre-eminent forum for architectural drawing. It is a singular distinction for the artist, as the recipient of the Hugh Ferriss Memorial Prize, to be associated with the enduring aesthetic legacy of one of America’s most notable artists, Hugh Ferriss.