by Frank Costantino | Mar 10, 2018
Orange, Red & Green Garden Bounty Composed for a Weymouth Art Association demo, and in a continued series of garden produce, this arrangement combined the multiple shapes, textures and colors of these vegetables into a reverse pyramid composition, instinctively...
by Frank Costantino | Mar 10, 2018
Plated Fruit Study An alla prima piece that eluded completion for some time, until the plate and pattern and angled background was devised to compliment the many circular elements; together with a continued exploration of gold paint accents with watercolor. Contact...
by Frank Costantino | Mar 10, 2018
Post-Caffeinated The second piece for a kitchen show, the cleaned, upturned and reflective metal and glass of the French press, with cup and spoons and towel made for this post-fueled impression. Contact the Artist for Information &Availability of Signed Limited...
by Frank Costantino | Mar 10, 2018
Pre-Caffeinated The first of two pieces for an invited themed show about kitchens, the work indulged my fascination with steam and vapors by suggesting the appeal of hot, fresh-brewed coffee. I asked my wife to pour the brew, and showed her delicate hands and colorful...
by Frank Costantino | Mar 10, 2018
Pre-Guacamole A live demo for Dedham, MA artists, the concept for the assembled grouping depicted the ingredients for the titled dish, and inferred the process of the many ways to make it. This full sheet piece allowed for more energetic brushwork and saturated...