Saturday’s Shadow-Centre Pharmacy

Saturday’s Shadow-Centre Pharmacy

Saturday’s Shadow-Centre Pharmacy Hingham, MAAn everyday pedestrian view of this small Centre’s iconic buildings, I was struck by this dynamic composition through the narrow frame of storefront columns. The forced perspective along the façades provided a strong...
Snow Steeple-Early Spring

Snow Steeple-Early Spring

Snow Steeple-Early Spring Hingham, MAAn almost totally backlit from a low sun during the last days of winter, this vignette of Old Ship Church’s stately steeple and bell ringer were enough to convey a sense of its prominence in the center of town. The minimal...
Peninsula Hotel Lobby, Chicago

Peninsula Hotel Lobby, Chicago

Peninsula Hotel Lobby, Chicago Elkus Manfredi Architects Ltd.Peninsula Hotel Lobby, Chicago Contact the Artist for Information &Availability of Signed Limited Edition Archival...
Frank M. Costantino