by Frank Costantino | Mar 6, 2018
Yellow Garden Shed Marshfield Hills, MAAn outbuilding on an expansive estate, this simple structure with its adjacent outdoor work area, framed by thin and thick trees, was highlighted by a bright afternoon sun. Its decorative trim accents provided an interest beyond...
by Frank Costantino | Mar 6, 2018
Monhegan Island Cottage Monhegan Island, MEWith a topography fashioned by its surrounding ocean waters, the character of this remote outcrop of an island has been a favorite haunt of artists for centuries. The quiet solitude and simple living on Monhegan is conveyed...
by Frank Costantino | Mar 6, 2018
Pickin’ Up Lunch-Powers Market On an overcast, intermittently drizzly day, with a practical need to protect the watercolor from rain, I happened on an adjacent picnic table under a maple tree, which offered an unusual low eye-level as well as a protective...
by Frank Costantino | Mar 6, 2018
Pilot House-HYC Hingham, MAA small control house on the dock of the Hingham Yacht Club has an overview of all the club’s activities and the extended harbor and its boats. The view was started at a higher tide, and the water completed at low tide. Contact the...
by Frank Costantino | Mar 6, 2018
Porch Light Study-Powers Market Powers Market in late evening presented an intriguing subject for a nocturne watercolor, with its warmly illuminated porches, interior lights of the bay windows and side entrance, and the subdued light of the 3rd floor apartment;...