Staccato in Yellow’s & Greens Arranged in a tinted blue vase, this exuberant bouquet of vibrant homegrown sunflowers on an oak table in front of a sunny window was so strikingly bright, it highlighted the table’s surface, while back lighting the flowers and...
White Gladiolus A bouquet’s accent flower, the challenge of this curvaceous white blossom, with its subtle variables of light and shade, was decisively painted after careful seeing and deliberate palette choices. The loose, saturated background profiled and...
3rd & 19th, Tedesco CC Marblehead, MAThe former notable quarters of the Tedesco Country Club, now demolished, offers this unique view of its elevated 3rd hole, looking back to the course-ending Clubhouse entry, its 19th hole respite. It was painted plein air for...
5 Hooper St Brick Marblehead, MAA commissioned work for the homeowners of their period brick residence, in the historic Old Town section of Marblehead, MA. The view was taken from the third floor vantage point of the MAA Hooper mansion across the street; and shows the...
8 Hooper King Hooper Mansion Marblehead, MAInspired by Frank Benson’s and Samuel Chamberlain’s earlier drawings, this tightly composed view of the mansion’s facade portrays the classical presence of this historic structure. Given the location on a...