by Frank Costantino | Mar 9, 2018
Canada’s Goose Roger Williams Park Zoo, RISketched from the many residents of Roger Williams Zoo in RI, this majestic bird was the vehicle for practicing composition, negative space, and free, efficient gestural strokes; for both feathers and water. Contact the...
by Frank Costantino | Mar 9, 2018
Doris-Lounge Lizard A commissioned work from the owner’s photo of his beloved cat, stretched across a window sill, this translation of the range of values and color patterns evince an almost ethereal sense of feline mystery. Contact the Artist for Information...
by Frank Costantino | Mar 9, 2018
Feline Lie-In Adopting indelible mediums for sketching, the pen & ink line is most unforgiving, and hence trains the eye and hand. The color pencil added an air of mystique to the composition, while connecting the two studies together. Contact the Artist for...
by Frank Costantino | Mar 9, 2018
If a Cat Dreamt Our Siamese cat curled in a seemingly impossible position became the simple form to foil an active field of gold marks, that might suggest dreaming. The textured ground was inspired by Gustav Klimt’s work. Awarded a prize at an annual New England...
by Frank Costantino | Mar 9, 2018
Mim Bluer In an evocative meditative pose, our gray-striped coon cat always seemed to be in a tranquil state; as conveyed by the choice of pencil color. She lived a long time, over 100 human years, but her calming effect endures via the sketch. Contact the Artist for...