Garrapata’s Park Shack

Carmel Valley, California
A striking vista of meadow and mountain, the long abandoned metal barn and wood fencing are remnants of an earlier solitary occupation of this noble site. Now a state park, this place also protects the important Soberanes Creek watershed, vital to California’s water needs. The moderately large painting of a seemingly simple composition became an interpretation of the muted values of the looming mountain against the smaller, brightly lit shack; applying color compliments of subtle greens, ochres and purples against the rusty browns of the shack and posts; all highlighted and contrasted by the brilliant horizontal streak of yellow flowers. The dark green value of the sizable evergreen, while balancing the larger scale of the ridge beyond, further accentuated the shack’s luminosity and its asymmetrical position in the painting. One of but many breathtaking, powerful scenes unique to California’s coastline.